Did you know that 76% of small businesses agree that the best marketing strategy uses both digital and print communication? Although many people have the impression that traditional marketing strategies are ?dying,? they?re not — in many ways they?ve just had to get smarter now that there are so many different routes for advertising that any company can take.
If you own a small business and are looking for marketing opportunities, you don?t want to waste money on things that simply don?t work. Most small business, for example, aren?t going to want to opt for a television ad. While the cost for impression for these are typically quite low, the buy-in amount can be very high. Additionally, television often has less ability to target any specific audience, instead relying on sheer audience to create buzz.
What sort of marketing allows you to connect to your key demographics, without having to break the bank? Here are a few suggestions you can keep in mind.
Vehicle Wraps
There?s a lot of reasons ads on the sides of vehicles work. For one, it?s not a crowded market — you might see one vehicle wrap for every thousand cars that pass you, if that, so it instantly catches people?s attention (98% of people report noticing a car ad they passed!). What makes this effective advertising is its ability to specifically target local audiences. If you?re a pizza place advertising your delivery service, you?re likely throwing money out the window to advertise to people in the next city over. But a vehicle wrap, on a car that travels around the city, is going to advertise your services to the exact audience it?s relevant to!
Barricade Wraps
Do you have a downtown business and want a way to drum up sales? Consider getting super localized advertisements that are hard to miss. Barricade wraps are one example of this. There may be a lot of people hanging out downtown at night — but if there?s no easy signage pointing out your late night bar, they might skip over it completely. Advertise with barricade wraps in the places people are likely to congregate.
Postcard Printing Services
Did you know that 62% of Americans report enjoying checking their mailbox for mail? Take advantage of this positive association and send along a postcard (contact local printing services in order to create a colorful, two sided ad). The way to keep your card from getting thrown out is to include some sort of coupon in order to keep people intrigued. Added bonus: postcards are cheaper to send through the mail system than a standard letter, and they are more eye catching than a plain white envelope, as well!
What sort of printing services do you plan to make use of in order to promote your local business? Keep these three affordable methodologies in mind!