Modular tanks are used in a variety of industries for many different purposes. From Fortune 500 companies to environmental and remediation purposes, and government agencies, DOE facilities, utilities, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Superfund sites, military, airports, and municipalities, custom made tanks are used for containment, treatment and transportation. Modular steel water tanks and other custom made tanks can also be rented for specific projects.
Custom made steel tanks
Custom storage tanks for municipalities, government agencies and businesses are used for many different applications. These can include:
- Water and waste water storage and treatment.
- Hazardous waste storage.
- Chemical storage tanks.
- Fuel Storage
- Potable Water Tanks
Containment systems can also be attached to trailer trucks and other wheeled vehicles. Custom made storage tanks can be square, round or rectangular. They can be made in special shapes for irregularly shaped spaces. Manufacturers also design containment systems for small spaces or where efficient use of space is necessary. Modular steel water tanks and other above ground tanks are versatile and can be easily assembled using only hand tools.
Waste water storage and treatment
Modular steel water tanks are widely used by municipalities and companies for water water treatment. More than 75% of the U.S. population is served by centralized wastewater collection and treatment systems. The total number of municipal wastewater operation across the country is around 16,000.
Wastewater holding tanks are used to hold and process waste water from residential and industrial sources before it can be released back into the ecosystem. Floating and double liners, inlet and outlet fittings, drains, vents and other ancillaries are used to customize tanks for each site and operation.
Rent a tank
Engineers, procurement specialists, environmentalists and consultants have an alternative to buying tanks when they will only be needed for special projects or for a limited duration. For special projects or locations, companies and businesses can rent a tank temporarily instead of buying one for which they will have no need long term.
Factors to take into account when choosing to rent a tank are site preparation as well as shipping and installation costs. Rental tanks are available in sizes ranging from 50,000 to 2,000,000 gallons and over.
Modular steel water tanks and other custom made storage tanks are versatile and easily assembled for a wide range of applications. With a tank rental option, it is possible for municipalities and businesses to use tanks for a limited time and for specific projects.