Everyone wants the best education for their children and there are many factors to take into account to ensure this. Curriculum, technology, teachers, and even the food being served, can all impact how your child performs in school and subsequently, in their life. One-fourth of schools in the United States are private, with the majority being public, but what does this mean for their students?
Public schools are institutions that are run by the government and do not demand payment outside of taxes as private schools do. Private schools tend to be dominated by a white demographic, with public schools having a better mix of different ethnicities.
A more diverse atmosphere in public schools is a huge benefit, but this does not mean you cannot find a level of diversity in private schools. If you want to know what you’re paying for in private schools, freedom with the curriculum is a huge part of the appeal, as are the computers and other items that help nourish the children’s learning.
Private schools have a higher graduation rate than public schools, with nearly every graduate attending a university. That being said, private schools won’t work for everyone, just like public schools are not a total predictor of a student’s future either. Your background has a lot to do with how you succeed in life. Oftentimes, you cannot escape the economic bracket you were born into. However, what you get out of a situation doesn’t have to rely on circumstance, but rather on the effort you put into it.