Medical and healthcare companies that are looking to modernize their database may want to invest in modern healthcare mobile apps. With the help of a modern SMS platform and other healthcare apps, any doctors office or hospital can make sure that they take care of their patients by providing the most up to date resources for their physicians and staff. A secure sms platform could make all of the difference between losing a patient and saving one during a critical moment.
Between the 551 certified medical information software companies in the United States, there are 1,137 different software programs to choose from. That may seem like a lot of choice, but at the end of the day only the most qualified tiger text and SMS platform can make a huge difference. With the help of SMS platform and secure texting, companies can save money and time, time that could be vitally needed later on. The nonprofit Commonwealth Fund, during a study of Danish doctors in the late 1990s reported that by ordering lab reports and prescribing medication electronically, they were saving an average of 30 minutes a day.
A state of the art SMS platform could be extremely useful with doctors and businesses that deal with medicaid patients. The entire Medicaid process can be streamlined by sending all forms and requests to the correct destination with minimal paperwork and interaction. The lower the costs of doing business are, the more a medical office can invest on helping its patients.
The best SMS platform can be put onto a number of different devices. Not only can it allow for secure text messaging, but it can also make it possible to secure many different devices in a manner that is HIPAA compliant. This can allow for complete privacy even in offices that have a BYOD (bring your own device) policy. The right SMS platform will of course be designed with HIPAA in mind. The HIPAA Privacy Rules are designed to protect patient information, whether it is being handled by health insurers, medical service providers or clearinghouses. With an SMS platform that can ensure strict adherence to HIPAA and Patient Health Information, everyone can make sure that their business is streamlined, less costly and more able to protect their patients.