Sure, Internet of Things designers have cooked up some pretty crazy devices, like diapers that can test baby’s waste for signs of health problems, or dorm laundry rooms that can let residents know when a washer or dryer is free.
However, the Internet of Things is not to be underestimated. Here’s why.
The Internet of Things will innovate transportation. The physical and digital designers behind the Internet of Things are working on innovating how transportation systems run. Through better flight planning and operational changes, Internet of Things designers can save the aviation industry a whopping $30 billion in jet fuel. By reducing the cost of maintenance through improved diagnostic and analytics software, an Internet of Things agency can save rail transportation $27 billion in system inefficiencies.
The Internet of Things will make the nation less dependent on foreign oil. Internet of Things designers can also help reduce our nation’s dependency on foreign oil. By making power grids more efficient, it can improve gas efficiency, saving up to $66 billion. What’s more, it can also lead to a $90 billion expenditure by improving the production rates of domestic oil companies.
The Internet of Things can improve the nation’s healthcare system. Believe it or not, The Internet of Things designers can also help make the nation healthier by improving its healthcare system. They can help identify equipment issues and improve resource management, resulting in $63 billion worth of savings from eliminated inefficiencies.
Yes, the Internet of Things is a little out there, but it’s going to revolutionize the nation. With more predictive analtyics and real time software, the Internet of Things can innovative how our nation moves, how it fuels itself, and how it takes care of itself. If you have any questions or opinions, feel free to share in the comments.