What do you do if you have a question you need answered? Like most Americans you probably open your browser, type in a box and sift through the search results. Search and email are the two top internet activities. In Fact 93% of all online experiences begin with a user searching. According to Pew Internet, 58% of people have researched a service or product online. It’s no wonder why more companies are turning to seo services to drum up business.
What is Search Engine Optimization
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process of raising the visibility for website or a web page in unpaid search engine results. SEO is rated as an useful marketing tool with 34% of marketers calling it very effective. It works because users generally prefer organic results;70-80% of users ignore paid ads. There are 27 million pieces of online content shared each day. Over three quarters of marketers who have strategic SEO campaigns in place use content creation as a key part of their campaigns.
More Searches Are Going Mobile
With today’s wireless world, mobile optimization is important. One half of all local searches are performed on mobile devices. Page hits to online directories and other local resources from non-PC devices have more than quadrupled in 2012. This can mean big profits for local businesses. About 51% of consumers are more likely to purchase from a mobile optimized site. Local mobile ad spending is projected to grow from $800m to $18b by 2016.
What Can SEO Company Services do for Local Businesses
Even though Google owns 65-70% of the search engine market share, seo company services aren’t only for big brands. Local search optimization can help your business today. 70% of social media users in North America are connected to at least one local business. There are 645 million page views of local pages in the average week in the U.S.. This means having local seo strategies can increase leads. There are several options for website consulting services, but it is important for local search companies to work closely with your business to create compelling digital content that will help you stand out.