For decades now, companies in the electronics industry have been outsourcing electronics manufacturing to third parties. As The Houston Chronicle highlights, electronics contract manufacturers are able to produce high volumes of product to even the most exacting specifications, turn around that high product volume in very short periods of time, and do it all while…
How to Find the Best, Most Affordable Cloud Computing Service for Your Business
More and more businesses are seeing the benefits of investing in cloud hosting for their data. That may be why experts predict the worldwide market for cloud computing and cloud solutions will reach an amazing $79.1 billion by 2018. And 32% of Americans have reported believing that cloud computing solutions are a thing of the…
A Parent’s Guide to Social Media Sites and How to Protect Kids Who Use Them
Are you doing everything you can to protect your kids online? Social media can be a great way for teens to connect, but it can also lead to bullying or illicit behavior. With so many social media crazes popping up each day, it can be hard for parents to monitor everything they need to. Here’s…
Three Reasons to Hire the Best IT Support Service
Did you know that the IT consulting industry in the United States has generated an incredible $363 billion in revenue? This is mainly because many businesses outsource their information technology needs to separate companies. In fact, even your business can benefit greatly from hiring the best IT consulting companies. Quality Support IT managed server hosting…
Encrypting Data Imperative as Cybercrime Becomes the Norm
There were 535 security breaches in the United States in 2011, resulting in more than 30 million consumer records being stolen. Hundreds of cyber attacks have already been reported this year, and the number is growing with more accounts of hackers breaking into big companies’ computer systems every week. As secure file transfer services for…
3 Reasons Your Business Needs A Mobile Point Of Sales System ASAP
Traditional point of sale systems are so five years ago. Enter mobile point of sales systems which have completely changed the game (for the better) for the retail and restaurant industries, allowing these establishments to streamline their day to day business operations as well as continue to provide their customers with the best service possible….
Two Ways to Best Reach Your Customers When Advertising Online
Marketing your company well these days mean keeping on top of technology and being aware of the best avenues to reach your customers and where they want to find you. The internet was a game changer for marketing. If you don’t yet know how to market your business with the digital age and our device…
The Ultimate Reason You Need to Have a Responsive Website
We all know these days that our lives pretty much revolve around the internet. At this point, you’re more likely to see someone with a device than without one, which is indicative of the fact that by next year mobile web surfing is expected to surpass that done on a desktop computer. This means that…
Three Time and Money Saving Tips for Choosing Reliable SEO Marketing Companies
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade, you know that digital marketing is the name of the game when it comes to succeeding in this increasingly digital age. Statistics from a recent Gartner study really drive the point home: 22% of businesses are reducing the amount of money they’re spending on…
Fun Facts You Never Knew About Your TV Remote
The average American household has about three TV remote controls, but most people don’t know much about them. So what secrets might your TV remote controls be holding? Read on to find out! American households have between two and three TVs on average, but there tends to be even more TV remote controls lurking in…