It may seem like a cliche to say at this point, but small businesses truly are the backbone of the American economy and there’s no denying that small pharmacies, in particular, are incredibly valuable to their local communities. Owning and operating an independent pharmacy is no easy feat — so if you’re in charge of a small pharmacy and you’re feeling discouraged by all the big chain stores taking all your customers, here are a few reasons why local pharmacies are essential for strong communities:
- Convenience is definitely one of the most important factors in any small business. No, you may not have five different brands of cough syrup, but your customers can be sure that when they’re sick and need something, your store is right around the corner. The key, of course, is to make sure that your shelves are always stocked with the essential items that your customers need in a pinch.
- Another important feature of local pharmacies — and of all local businesses, for that matter — is that they provide valuable jobs for residents. Not only does this ensure that money is kept within the community and is used to strengthen it, but this is an important feature for local residents who have limited transportation options and can’t physically get to a job that’s farther away. Money-wise, small businesses often sponsor local events and volunteer to help out teams and organizations, but on an even simpler level, small businesses naturally fund their local governments through taxes. When a local government has more revenue from taxes, it can provide public services, basic town maintenance, and better programs in schools.
- Finally, local pharmacies are incredibly valuable because of the quality of care that they provide. Local pharmacists tend to be more in-tune with what their patients need, simply because they’ve gotten to know the patients beyond just basic medical information. New technology, notably retail pharmacy POS systems and digital drug information databases, allow pharmacists the ability to provide better care and to reduce errors. As much of an investment as a POS system may seem at first, the ability to process transactions faster and spend more time talking with customers is invaluable for an independent pharmacy.
Always remember: as stressful as it can be, your small pharmacy is providing valuable medical services to your community and really making a difference. Read more blogs like this.