Point and shoot digital cameras — and even the cameras on our smartphones — are becoming increasingly complicated, and there is no end to what what they might be able to do. People all over the world are purchasing some of the best small digital cameras and using them to explore the depths of the ocean, take pictures with crazy effects, or sometimes even create their own crazy, do-it-yourself (DIY) models at home.
Snap Pictures Underwater
Photographers can now browse online camera stores and purchase cameras that take pictures underwater — and sometimes even capture panoramic and 360 degree views! People use the cameras to capture the sights while snorkeling. Underwater pictures show coral reefs and all kinds of ocean life. One man even famously snapped a picture of an unidentified and mysterious blob-like creature. Although scientists are somewhat baffled, most believe the creature is a large jellyfish.
What Crazy Things Can You Do To Digital Pictures?
Want to make your pictures look like a comic book? With new point and shoot digital cameras — and even with camera phones — you can do it. You can even use one odd effect to make pictures shift and move as you look at them, apparently to reveal more detail, according to Business Insider. (In actuality, it kind of looks like what you would see if you were experiencing vertigo or had a few too many adult beverages.)
Can You Make Your Book Into A Camera?
“At this point in time, there’s something poetic about the idea of exposing photographic film using a printed book. One of our favorite examples came from an Etsy user who was transforming tattered hard covers into full on photo machines. The magnetic shutter was complemented by winding knobs that allowed it to make pictures using standard 35mm roll film,” Pop Photo explains.
Explore all of the possibilities with new — and increasingly adaptable — cameras. Capture surreal moments underwater, or even use cameras as a guide to build your own, DIY models.