The average American household has about three TV remote controls, but most people don’t know much about them. So what secrets might your TV remote controls be holding? Read on to find out! American households have between two and three TVs on average, but there tends to be even more TV remote controls lurking in…
Month: July 2014
What Are The Weirdest Camera Effects Out There?
Point and shoot digital cameras — and even the cameras on our smartphones — are becoming increasingly complicated, and there is no end to what what they might be able to do. People all over the world are purchasing some of the best small digital cameras and using them to explore the depths of the…
Five Ways to Choose a Comfortable Office Chair
If you’re part of the 50% of working Americans that admit to having back pain annually, a new office chair might be jut what you need to leave work feeling pain free. An ergonomic chair can minimize the risk of repetitive injury like carpel tunnel and reduce the development of tight, rigid muscles and joints….
Five Tips for More Professional Web Design for Your Company Website
Despite the fact that the current state of web marketing can only be described as the Age of Content, professional web design remains crucial to the success of any business. Why? As Forbes writes, web design is the lens through which your visitors will view everything else your company does online. Do you produce great…
Text Message Security and Mobile Applications for Doctors
Text message security is important for everyone. For some however, text message security is an absolute must. There must be secure texting for healthcare. Due to mobile healthcare technology, there are mobile medical applications and text messaging in healthcare to make it easier for doctors and patients alike. There are special applications made for mobile…
Simplicity is Underrated Regarding Remote Controls
Do you ever find yourself getting frustrated with all these newfangled remote controls? You don’t need to remember a time when remote controls were a novelty to feel this frustration. Once you finally learn how to use your TV, it seems like stores are trying to force you to buy new universal remotes. Get rid…
Your TV Remote Just Got A Lot More Interesting
Losing the TV remote is like reading the headlines on tabloid magazines while you’re waiting in line at the grocery store; everyone does it regularly, but no one wants to admit it. But just how much do you really know about TV remote controls? Here are a few fun facts sure to pique your interest:…