Even though Facebook may not be the best creative agency (which is probably Google, if we’re being honest), it’s definitely a top creative agency. Case in point, the social network has inspired several off-shoot apps that further enhance the service, and there’s a new one that caters to a very specific, highly in-demand need.
“Who Deleted Me on Facebook” is a new app that does exactly what it says on the tin. It lets users know who deleted them on Facebook.
Its creators have spent the mobile app development costs to make it available for both iPhone and Android, and have even gone so far as to build a Chrome browser extension. It connects to a user’s Facebook, and then keeps track of his or her friend count.
The app is easy to use, too. There’s a New tab, Deleted You tab, You Deleted tab, Deactivated tab, and Current tab that run along the top. Each one shows you the friends who have just been added to your Facebook, deleted you, been deleted, deactivated, and remain your friend.
The only real downside of the app is that it can only tell users what friends deleted them since it was installed, when it first began tracking their friend list. It can’t look back in time and see what friends were lost.
There are also similar apps for other social media, too. To check to see who may have unfollowed you on Twitter, you can use the similarly titled “Who Unfollowed Me.” If you want to see if anyone unfollowed you on Instagram, there’s Iconosquare, which also offers an in-browser Instagram viewer, profile statistics, and more.
These Twitter and Instagram apps are handy if you’re trying to gain a cult following on social media, but Facebook is more personal, which is why “Who Deleted Me” is interesting. Rather than being used to track stats and chart growth, it’s more or less only useful to see what frenemies and haters decided to passively aggressively dissolve your digital bridge with them.
But what do you think about this new app? Useful or useless? Let us know in the comments!